Can I use an electric blanket on BREATHAIR® bedding?
Yes, you can.
Can I use a hot-water bottle and an electric footwarmer on BREATHAIR® bedding ?
No. BREATHAIR® may be deformed by using with a hot-water bottle and an electric footwarmer together, because their temperature are as high as 70 to 90°C and they are not lightweight.
You can't use them on BREATHAIR® bedding.
Can I apply a futon dryer to BREATHAIR® bedding ?
Yes, you can.
But don't put anything heavy on BREATHAIR® bedding while using the futon dryer.
BREATHAIR® may be deformed.
Can I clean BREATHAIR® bedding with a bedding vacuum cleaner ?
Yes, you can.
But don't clean BREATHAIR® directly for a long time with UV ray radiation or ozone treatment.
BREATHAIR® may get damaged or become yellowing due to repeated exposure to UV ray or ozone.
Can I put BREATHAIR® outside to dry ?
No, do not dry BREATHAIR® outside. BREATHAIR® may get damaged or become yellowing due to exposure to direct sunlight. Please dry BREATHAIR® in well-ventilated shade.
Please advise me how to wash BREATHAIR®.
Wash dirt off with shower or running water.
Hot water about 40°C can also be used to wash BREATHAIR®.
After washing, drain it by tapping lightly, and pat dry with cloth.
After draining, please dry BREATHAIR® in well-ventilated shade without sunlight.
・Do not wash BREATHAIR® in washing machine to avoid getting damage.
・Do not drain BREATHAIR® in washing machine to avoid getting damage.
・Do not dry BREATHAIR® in direct sunlight or outside.
Because BREATHAIR® may get damaged or become yellowing in direct sunlight.
・Do not dry BREATHAIR® in a tumble dryer.
Please advise me about the detergents to wash BREATHAIR®.
Neuter or weakly alkaline household laundry detergents and dishwashing liquid detergents can be used. However, rinse with shower or running water several times to avoid leaving detergent on the fibers.
・Do not use organic solvents such as thinner or benzene.
・Do not use chlorine-based detergents, acid detergents, or strong alkaline detergents.
・Do not use bleach, stain remover, or mildew remover.
Please advise me how to disinfect BREATHAIR®.
You can use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
Wipe stains with alcohol-based hand sanitizer sprayed or soaked in cloth.
Make sure to use disinfectants at a dilution ratio specified by the manufacturer.
Also, confirm the dosage and administration specified by the manufacturer before use.
After disinfecting, rinse with shower or running water several times to avoid leaving disinfectant on the fibers.
Disinfection with hot water, if it's short time, is also possible.
Ozone sterilization can also be used, but please note that it will be discolored (yellowing).
・Do not use disinfectants in undiluted form.
・Do not use hypochlorous acid disinfectants.
Can I purchase a bedding or mattress of BREATHAIR® from TOYOBO MC ?
TOYOBO MC manufactures and sells only BREATHAIR® raw sheets and does not sell end products of BREATHAIR®.
For the bedding and mattress of BREATHAIR®, please contact end-product sellers or manufacturers directly.
Which bedding or mattress of BREATHAIR® is the most comfortable to sleep on?
The concepts and selling points of sleep feeling are different for each end-product of BREATHAIR®.
The feeling of sleeping also depends on the consumer's preference, so it is not possible to give a general answer to this kind of question.
Are they any difference of BREATHAIR® between the bedding and mattress?
TOYOBO MC designs BREATHAIR® (thickness, hardness, etc.) for each end-product to meet the product concepts of each bedding manufacturer.
Even if they are described only as BREATHAIR®, they are not always the same design in general.
We are not able to inform you about the design of BREATHAIR® used in each end-products. Please contact each bedding manufacturer or seller.
Please advise me the difference from other manufacturers' similar products .
First of all, we cannot answer about details of the other manufacturers' 3D network structured fiber material.
However, BREATHAIR® is made from our thermoplastic polyester elastomer "PELPRENE", which is highly durable and heat resistant using in automotive components.
We are very particular about raw material of BREATHAIR® to get higher quality.
For more information, please refer to the product introduction page of BREATHAIR® and "PELPRENE".
≪ Performance for use 1 : Durability and Light weight ≫
I am a general consumer. Can I buy only BREATHAIR® raw sheets from TOYOBO MC ?
No. We do not sell BREATHAIR® raw sheets directly to general consumers.
Is BREATHAIR® used in all seats of the Tokaido Shinkansen N700S?
Yes. BREATHAIR® is adopted as inner cushions in all seats of business class (green cars) and coach class (regular cars).
≪ Application Introduction (Vehicle Seat) ≫
Can I purchase a standard item of BREATHAIR® ?
We don't have a standard item of BREATHAIR®. Usually, we design BREATHAIR® to meet customer's product concept and manufacture them in made-to-order.
For this reason, we are requiring cutomers to order with MOQ.
Can I purchase end products of BREATHAIR® (bedding, cushions, pillows, chairs, etc.) directly from TOYOBO MC ?
TOYOBO MC manufactures and sells only BREATHAIR® raw sheets and does not sell the end products.
Regarding the purchase of the end product, we will introduce our business partner. Please contact us via the inquiry form or telephone.
Please advise me how to shape BREATHAIR®.
Thermal compression molding can be applied to shape BREATHAIR®.
If necessary, we will introduce you molders in Japan.
Is there BREATHAIR® special grade for outdoor use?
Yes, we have a light resistant grade of BREATHAIR®.
Please contact us as appropriate.

TOYOBO MC Corporation